Institute of Interventional Dermatology & Aesthetic Gynecology was established under aegis of renowned & experienced specialists in their own fields Dr Sunil Kothiwala& Dr Mayuri Kothiwala with the vision of teaching all up to date solutions, technologies & treatments in field of interventional dermatology & aesthetic or cosmetic gynecology. It was possible for us because of in-house availability of all interventional technologies in aesthetic dermatology & gynecology, highly trained specialists in all these technologies with 13 years of practical experience and huge success of our initial efforts in trainings of physicians& surgeons. We started teaching & trainings 3 years back in Dermatology & 2 years back in Gynecology, because of overwhelming response by our attendees, high demand of most authentic training courses in Aesthetic Dermatology & Gynecology & lacunae of genuine complete hands-on training in these fields.
IIDAG was established with the vision of becoming unique institute of own its kind for providing true and genuine hands-on training courses in interventional dermatology & aesthetics gynecology in India & we are on path of making it available Globally as well.
The purpose of establishing IIDAG is to provide solutions, information, teaching for highly demanding subspeciaity of dermatology & gynecology in a way that every physician or surgeon should be confident enough to start their own practice confidently and without hesitation.
Our core principles are providing training and teachings with full transparency, true and genuine hands-on and constantly motivating & supporting physicians and surgeons to implement lessons in their practice. Making available these training courses with true hands-on so that people can get benefitted for their unspoken skin & gynecological issues by well-trained physicians & surgeons.